Sunday, December 4, 2011

Book Alteration Program Setup Sheet

The following is the set up sheet I wrote up for the program I hosted at the library, the book alteration program.  Photos of a few books made to follow.

Book Alteration Program

Thursday, Nov. 10th

Discarded Books
Discarded Magazines
Quotations (for copying or cutting and pasting)
Craft Supplies (ribbons, buttons, beads, glitter, etc.)
Exacto-knives (for cutting portions out of books)

Young adults will simultaneously save books and express themselves in this book alteration program.  Attendees will be given discarded library books, magazines and craft supplies and will be allowed to alter the books any way they so choose.  Alterations may include adding illustrations and text, pasting cutouts from magazines, cutting out portions of the pages or any other possible alteration suitable for the library setting.  Examples of altered books may be provided at the start of the class.

Things to Think About:
Keep a theme throughout (like flowers, autumn, fashion, etc.)
Leave the book closable or create it to be kept open permanently (like a wall decoration/centerpiece)
Cut shelves/holes within the book
Glue pages together
Tear pages out
Illustrate existing text
Make your own poetry from existing text
Add your own text (quotes/poetry)
Paste photos over text: you may blank out an entire page or only parts of a page
Fold pages to create new shapes

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